Saturday, October 25, 2008

Market Strategy & Solution

India stock market is a good leading stock exchange all over the world. Many FIIs & other big institutions come & invest here. But current scenario is little bit different FII continuously selling everyday. Right now foreign investors has not any trust on Indian market because of some global crisis we have been seen in all over the world. Mostly in U.S. market(Dow-NASDAQ). If govt. of India try to cut CRR by 100 to 150 BPS or try to control inflation from 12% to 11.07% but no recovery & even no any positive signal seen in market. Here we want to disclose that our market fundamentally & economically OK As we told all these happen in Indian market because of all global crisis(US,ASIAN & EUROPEAN market) These all additional downtrend points which affected a lot our market.
Kospi below 1000, Nikkie hitted seller circuit 2 times in last 2-3 weeks. No change today in CRR rate.

So Sensex closing below 9000 & nifty below 2800. Here today in black Friday we have downtrend of target 9150-8800 but no any bounce back seen which we expected so here some panic we feel. Please aware of it.
Last & final conclusion from our side is that if US & other all major market will not steady in short time then our market will not sustain even thought stop downtrend. After 2-3 months our market settle up properly if all us & other market problem solve. 
